Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Maximize Your Google AdSense Earnings

Many webmasters are making good money of Google AdSense. But chance are high that they are not using the best possible setup to maximize their earnings. I am not talking about on page optimization of the ad placements. I am assuming that you have identified the best possible spots for your ads already. However - here is an easy way to improve your AdSense earnings by 10%-20% - maybe even more. Key is to know that the very first Google AdSense block on your page carries the more expensive ads. These are the ads that earn you the most money when a visitor clicks them. To make most out of your AdSense ads, these are the ads you want to have in the best spot on the page in question. You will need to identify which AdSense ad block is the one with the highest paying ads and which ad unit is receiving the best click-thru rate. If the two are the same, you are already set and can work on other pieces. But chances are high that they might not necessarily be the same and that's where you make adjustments without much work. Let's get started. Use different channels in Google AdSense and monitor them for a few days to have solid data to work with. If you are already maxed out with your AdSense channels, swap some around. You will only need those additional channels for maybe a week. With the data on your hand, you might see that that ad unit #1 is the one receiving the best CTR (Click Thru Rate) and ad unit #2 is the one with highest paying ads. Make sure to compare the CTR to make an informed decision. Let's assume that your current setup matches our example. Now you will want to make changes to your page or template to make sure that ad unit #1 is loaded first when the page is visited. Again - it is very important to know that Google distributes ads on a first come, first serve basis. So the AdSense block that the Google AdSense bot (Mediapartner) sees first in your page, is the one that will show the more expensive AdSense ads. If you know html and CSS you probably know that this is not necessarily the ad up on top of the page in your browser (depending on your page layout). Review your code if needed and make the adjustments. CSS can be a good way to shuffle things around so that the most popular ad unit also carries the most expensive ads. In one case where I finally got of my lazy butt and did the research described above I was able to improve AdSense earnings by ~15%. The work involved was less than 30 minutes. Easy money

10 Ways to Better AdSense Earnings

You can make lots of money monetizing your blog with AdSense if you have quality content, the right keywords, and the right AdSense ad layout. Many people complain they can't make money with AdSense or that it cheapens their site. I will show it how it will not only increase the value of your site, but how it will start building you monthly income! I monetize my web sites and blogs in many different ways. I see many web sites missing out when it comes to non-invasive ways to monetize your web site or blog, and they don't have to be ways in which you anger your visitors. In fact - good monetization will always compliment your web site, not "cheapen" it. I have also read many articles that debate when to monetize, and there are still some hold-outs that say build up traffic on a site first and then monetize once it gets to a certain level. I'm sorry - that's just BS in my book, and I have the experience to back it up. Monetize your web site from day 1 - PERIOD! Why? Every post and page is an opportunity to make money. Making money with a web site is like planting a garden. Why would you want to keep plowing the field for 6 months and and keep waiting to plant the seeds? Also monetization is marketing, and marketing takes time and skill. Yes - skill. The more you do it the better you become, so do it from day #1. Making money online is like a sport or a professional trade. Ingredients you WILL NEED to become SUCCESSFUL: Competent Trainers and Mentors Passion and Drive to Succeed Organization and Work Ethic Ability to make 10,000 mistakes and keep going Good Communications Skills Practice, Practice, Practice! Today we're going to talk about monetizing your web site with Google AdSense. If you're already using Google AdSense - read this article anyway and learn how to make more money using AdSense. Click the banner above to join AdSense if you haven't already. By signing up with AdSense you can build code snippets and place ads on your web site. AdSense Myths: To make any money you need thousands of visitors per day Ads will make a percentage of your visitors leave and not come back AdSense cheapens the look of your web site You would be surprised how much more money you could be making with some very basic and simple changes to your web site. Think about how much you could be making per day. Just $1 per day is $30 per month, which should more than pay for most basic hosting plans (and then some). Only $5 per day and you're making $150 per month, $10 per day is $300/mo. It adds up quicker than you think. Especially if you have more than one blog or web site to monetize. AdSense Facts: You can make $1-$3 a day on as little as 20-30 visitors per day A percentage of your visitors quickly leave anyway (the bounce rate) - you can make money on that dead traffic AdSense is so targeted that it's less of an intrusion and more of a service compared to other ads The first thing you need to understand is where the ads come from. AdSense is fed by Google's other product AdWords. If you haven't used AdWords before - it's where you can pay to drive traffic to your web site - you "pay per click". In the AdWords marketplace - people "bid over keywords". The more competition there is for a keyword, the more it costs and the highest bidder wins the top slot, the next bidder the next slot, and so on. For example it may cost 50 cents per click to get the keyword "designer handbag", but I bet you can get "clay flowerpot" for under a nickel. It's all about supply and demand. The most searched for terms are fought over pretty fiercely. Once keywords are purchased, the AdSense algorithm places the actual ads on web sites - matching them up with keywords and content on web pages. The algorithm is pretty amazing, and in most case will be serving highly target ads to your web site within minutes. If the ads are way off target or inappropriate - you need to re-think your web site setup. So once a keyword is purchased and an ad is written - it's matched up with a highly targeted web page where it should perform well. It doesn't matter how "busy" or popular that web site is, well performing and paying ads are placed on appropriate pages getting from a dozen to thousands of visitors per day. If you are using high paying keywords in your web site content, you will attract high paying ads. Did you understand that statement? Go back and read it two more times and think about it a minute. That's right - the key to making money in AdSense is attracting well paying ads. If I have a web site that gets only 30 visitors per day, and 3 per day click an AdSense ad paying 35-50 cents, I can easily make $1 per day from this very low-traffic web site. Of course everyone wants to get more than 30 visitor per day, but all sites have to start somewhere. I'm illustrating how easy it is to make money from day #1. I do this in nearly all the sites I setup. Many of you that have used AdSense for a long time won't believe it, because in my example my AdSense clicks pay extremely high and the click-through-rate (CTR) is 10%. Most sites are lucky to get a 2-3% CTR on AdSense ads, and the clicks usually pay a nickel or less on average. I said earlier that if you received off target ads your blog or web site layout was possibly not "AdSense optimized". If you want to attract high paying ads and make the most AdSense revenue possible from your existing traffic - I'll give you some very simple rules to follow when writing articles, pages, and posts. If you follow these very basic rules you will not only get more revenue per click with AdSense, but (in the long run) you will also get more visitors, and better search engine listings. Top 10 Ways To Make More Money from AdSense Using Keywords Obtain a URL with very important keywords in your niche: I can't say enough about this. The #1 reason I have so many domains is because when you build a niche site if the domain has your top 2 or 3 keywords in it - you immediately start getting traffic from post #1. This is very important. Use permalinks, pretty URL's, etc: This is second most important whether you are using Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or whatever. As soon as you setup your software turn on permalinks, pretty URL's, or whatever it's called so you posts have "". Having great keywords in the URL past the top level domain name is only second to keywords in the domain name itself. Find the Best Keywords and Phrases: DO YOUR RESEARCH! Find out how to do keyword research. If you don't know what the best keywords for your niche are - there really isn't much point reading any farther than this... Create a Great Title: When you write a post the title controls much more than you think. Everyday I read great articles with crappy titles. With every title you need to be thinking of using keywords that will be searched for while linkbaiting a title enticing people to click. This can be harder than it sounds, because the best titles are 6-8 words or less. I've gotten better at this over time, but it's just practice, practice, practice to become a master at it! Have an H1 Title first: Wordpress natively takes your html post title tag and puts it into an H1 tag as the textual title on the post's web page. If you use another CMS like Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or something else make sure your Content Management System does the same. Keywords in header tags (especially the first header of the page) carry much more weight than laster in the content areas. Start with a Synopsis Paragraph: Unless you are writing custom meta description tags for every single page the most important area of any post or page after the title is that first paragraph. This paragraph ultimately becomes your description under you title link in search engine results pages. You want to stick to 2 or 3 sentences when possible, or at least place your important keywords there. Remember - what you type will not only determine how well this page comes up in search results, but also how your page is described and why people click! Bold important keywords as you write: As you write your post or article bold keywords and phrases when you are making points. These keywords, combined with your title and synopsis help target ads (and traffic!). Link relevant sources: This is a given, but should be mentioned. Be sure to link only relevant items in your post - it helps target everything. Organize sections using h3 and h4 headings: Using h3 and h4 headers in longer pages and posts is a great way to "sub-title" the page with even more targeted keywords. It's also easier to organize information (and for more people to follow and read). Use keyword laden categories and tags: Just before you publish that page or post, be sure to use great keywords to both categorize and tag it. Now back to the AdSense ads themselves. First - if you are brand new to AdSense, be sure to visit the newly created AdSense official newbie help at Google and get all the free information that you can. Second you want to get the code for the AdSense ads necessary for placement on your web site. I want you to view the Google heat map (you can find it in the newbie help link). This picture illustrates where a visitor's eyes go first, and where you would get the most clicks. Do you see how the reddest spot on the page is directly above the content? I want you to understand that if you could only place one AdSense ad per page - it should be directly above you content. In addition, the highest paying and best performing AdSense ad is 336x280 large rectangle. So you're ready to place that ad? Not so quick - you need to "blend" it into the look and feel of your page. When you create it in AdSense setup make the background color the same as where it will be placed on your page. Make the font color and size the same, make the link colors the same too. I personally would never use video ads for any reason - only text. My reasoning on this is that in a 336x280 text ad you normally get 4 text ads, and that's 4 chances to make money. If a video takes up the entire 336x280 block - it's only 1 chance to make money, and it's images and video that can be intrusive to many visitors. IMHO - you would need some type of pop-culture (music, movie, celebrity, joke, media based) web site to be successful with image or video ads. Place one 336x280 AdSense ad directly before your content and one directly after. If you use Google analytics to track your web site - you many already be aware of your "bounce rate". When people come to your site, and quickly leave because they didn't find what they wanted they "bounce". To me a bounce rate of 20-30% is normal. Over 50% is incredibly high. If you've placed the 336x280 blocks before and after the content your are placing highly targeted ads to soak up your bounce rate. In other words - if 20-30% of my customers are going to leave my site quickly anyway to find what they want - I'd prefer that they click on one of my AdSense ads to find it. I help them find what they need, and I get a "referral fee" for the click. Also visitors that stay awhile on my site many click an ad because they're in the same niche. It's like being in the library and finding the book you need, but seeing others on the same shelf you might also like. Beyond the two mandatory AdSense blocks I use before and after the content - I often also add a 4 text link unit in a sidebar or a 160x600 skyscraper. How you feel about this is up to you and your layout. If you have other ads or sidebar content that could be earning money - it might be better placed there. But if all you have is the latest posts and some categories - these types of AdSense ads can help you not "leave any money on the table". That means - you might only make a few extra pennies or nickels per day - but if that money was just laying on the table would you just leave it there? Probably not. It adds up over time. Again - especially if you are monetizing multiple web sites. I learned this term (money on the table) from Joel Comm, whose AdSense eBook I read a few years back just after setting up my AdSense account for the first time. For the first 6-7 months I used AdSense I made no money at all. After I read Joel's book I quadrupled my CTR and went from making pennies per day overnight to $3-$5. One month after reading that eBook I received my first ever Google AdSense check, and I've received one every month since. So - if your web site or blog consistently using my techniques above you should have no problem earning more money from AdSense. A lot of times you read a great article like this and you wonder how successful it was for the author. Well, it worked for me - last year I made more than $10,000 from AdSense on just a few web sites

4 Ways To Improve Your Google AdSense Earnings

you as a webmaster have the desire to make money from your website, then you should check out Google AdSense. There are several webmasters having a difficult time trying to make money with Google AdSense. On the other hand many people are making hundreds of dollars a day from Google AdSense. What makes these webmasters different from the ones that are not making money is that they have taking the time to learn what has worked and not worked for them to make money with the Google AdSense program.Below are 4 tips that have worked well for me as well as others. 1. Focus on one format of AdSense ad. I have found that the Large Rectangle (336X280) has worked best for me. I am not exactly sure why, but this seems to be the one that performs the best and has the highest click-through-rates (CTR) for most people. Why select this format out of the several you are able to use? That's easy to answer, it's because the advertisements will appear as if they are typical website links, and since they don't look like ads, people click on your ads. 2. Create a custom-made palette for your ads. Choose colors that will blend in with the background of your website. If your site has a white background, then you should use white for the color of the border as well as the background. The idea is to blend the colors to make the ads seem like they are a part of your website. Remember, This will result in a lot more people clicking your ads, which in turn will earn you even more money from your ads. 3. Do not try to hide your AdSense You should not place your AdSense ads near or at the bottom of your website. Place them at the top and in the middle of your site. The idea is to put your ads where people can see them. If you website visitors don't see the ads, then you will not generate any clicks, which means you won't make any money off of your ads. The location of your ads is one of the reasons why you are not making any money. 4. Try to automate the insertion of your AdSense code into your web pages using SSI (or server side included). I have not tried this yet, but I have heard from people that did this, that they started getting more clicks from their Google ads. You will need to check with your host or server and ask if they support SSI or not. Next you need save your AdSense code in a text file, save it as "AdSense text", and upload it to the root directory of your website. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages

Where To Place Google AdSense

If you've been working on the Internet for any amount of time, you'll realize that there are going to be people who visit your web page and then leave for some unexplained reason. The majority stay for less than 30 seconds. Google AdSense can solve this headache for you. Many visitors may come to your web page through a web search, using keywords that fit in with your niche perfectly. What can you do with these people since they obviously are not there to buy but rather just to browse through your website for one reason or another? It costs you money in order to provide them with that service, how can you make money from somebody that is not interested in what you're offering? One of the easiest ways to fill in the blanks as far as your Internet income is concerned is by using a program that is known as Google AdSense. What the AdSense program can offer to your web pages is a way for you to monetize for people who are simply browsing. Depending on your particular niche, you can make quite a bit of money for every click that your AdSense ads receive. It seems like this is the perfect way to add some value to your web pages, doesn't it? The fact of the matter is, it can add money to your website through clicks but it may also be taking away from the overall value of the site. As with anything else, you need to have a balance whenever it comes to adding pay per click advertising to your website. This is especially the case if you are selling something or making some affiliate offers that are specifically geared toward the niche that you are targeting. The reason why this could be a mistake is because many affiliate programs pay quite a few dollars per sale while most AdSense clicks are only worth pennies or a quarter or so of the most, depending on the market. You may be driving some of the people who would be interested in what you're offering off of your page quickly through one of these ads. That is why you need to do the same thing that you should be doing on all of your pages, testing. As with anything else that you're doing on the Internet, you should be testing how your pages are performing on a regular basis. Even if you have a dozen pages on the same subject which are running the same affiliate program, you should still find a way to see which of those pages is performing the best. This would give you an overall view of which of these pages would benefit the most through AdSense advertising. If you find that you have some of your niche pages hardly generate any clicks to the affiliate program, you may be able to save the work that you did on these pages by monetizing them with pay per click advertising. Don't just put AdSense ads anywhere on your pages. You need to test and put them strategically on your pages

A Beginner's Guide

If you have a website or blog and you're ready to monetize your site, the Google AdSense program is the perfect one to start with. Some of the benefits of AdSense is that it is easy to setup and incredibly easy to use, in addition to the array of ad options you can choose to display. In short, AdSense is a great place for a beginner who is looking to place ads on their newly developed website or blog. How does AdSense work? AdSense ads are triggered by your contect displayed on your site. For example, if your site was all about golf balls, AdSense ads would be centered all around golf balls. They work excellent because the ads displayed are directly related to your site, therefore increasing the chance that someone will click on an ad. How much do I make per click? A lot of that depends on what keywords you are using and how much the advertisers are bidding per keyword. I've earned up to $1.50 or more per click several times. It really just depends overall. How can I increase my conversions? Use ads that blend with your site and content. You can customize your Google ads to appear as text ads or image ads or both. For text ads, you can set the color scheme to a similar scheme on your site. Like I previously said, it is best to blend them in with your content. This generally will allow for more conversions. Those are just a few things about AdSense and how good it really is. You can learn more about AdSense it's capabilities by checking out


Making money with Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways online. The reason for this is that you do not need to worry about building a list or copywriting. Basically, all you need to do is drive traffic to your website and people will click on the the adverts. In this article I would like to go over the key steps that will help you to make money from AdSense. 1) Do keyword research This is probably the most important step. You need to find keywords with a lot of traffic and very little competition. This will be very important in the search engines. Also check to see what these keywords are actually paying on the ppc search engines as this will be a very good indication as to whether they will make money for you. 2) Use a site builder I seriously suggest that you consider using a site builder like HyperVRE. The one very time consuming aspect is actually doing all the websites manually. This takes a lot of time and can prevent you from earning a very good income. If you use this you will be able to build sites very quickly. 3) Optimize your adverts effectively One of the key ingredients to being successful is to place your adverts correctly. What I have found is that adverts placed above the fold yield the best results. Also a white background with blue text gets the best click through rate. I think that this is because blue is synonymous with a hyperlink. The 336 X 280 format seems to work best. Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website? Here's the answer: Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.


Making money with Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways online. The reason for this is that you do not need to worry about building a list or copywriting. Basically, all you need to do is drive traffic to your website and people will click on the the adverts. In this article I would like to go over the key steps that will help you to make money from AdSense. 1) Do keyword research This is probably the most important step. You need to find keywords with a lot of traffic and very little competition. This will be very important in the search engines. Also check to see what these keywords are actually paying on the ppc search engines as this will be a very good indication as to whether they will make money for you. 2) Use a site builder I seriously suggest that you consider using a site builder like HyperVRE. The one very time consuming aspect is actually doing all the websites manually. This takes a lot of time and can prevent you from earning a very good income. If you use this you will be able to build sites very quickly. 3) Optimize your adverts effectively One of the key ingredients to being successful is to place your adverts correctly. What I have found is that adverts placed above the fold yield the best results. Also a white background with blue text gets the best click through rate. I think that this is because blue is synonymous with a hyperlink. The 336 X 280 format seems to work best. Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website? Here's the answer: Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.


Anybody who wants a home-based income has high hopes of success, Google Adsense can easily help aspiring web masters to get a slice of the pie. You can make a website or put up a Blog and start earning on the web with them. Investing on a website can give you more knowledge in this matter to start on your online venture, site are not that expensive, most of them have low annual fees that can be easily reimbursed after you have made money thru AdSense. AdSense is always a help for small publishers or website owners. You can work at home, making them at your space time. You just have to create your own site that can be allowed to embed the ads and you're done. It doesn't really need that much software to get income generated; AdSense is a java-based script that can show relevant ads to your site and its contents. The ads have their own size based on your preference, mostly 300 by 50 pixels which are just usually placed on the upper side of your site. Changing the size and characteristics of the ads can unlock more potential income. It is much better to experiment from this. Some point out that having ads without banners get more profits. Some stress out that blending them with the overall look of the site can easily spell good money, and others even revert back to amateurish site theme to let the ads stand out. This is all up to you but you can easily check your Web page progress through the Google Adsense stats panel anytime, you can easily edit them at home. All of these tasks can be done on the web with just simply a computer at home with internet access. Usually, it doesn't need a computer science diploma to build a site with AdSense. HTML and other things that make up a website can be learned later. You just need to focus on building a site with your desired contents and keep them maintained. Blogs can easily be customized to allow ads and you still get the money even if it was hosted on some sites. This kind of income generating method takes time and definitely not considered a get rich quick scheme. This is a continual devotion to making your site. Adding up contents and eventually SEO methods can bring wonders to any website. Publishers usually have long times to wait for a Google check to arrive, some state they have been paid in 5 months and others for years. Starting is a bit sketchy but will likely give you the time to be educated and know how the web works and you can easily manage to get more out of the next paycheck in less than the time frame before. If you have kids and are busy on your home, Google Adsense can definitely be a good way to start up a residual Web income generating method. It is way better than just doing nothing, with Google AdSense; you can easily turn your home into a discreet office.

articles about google adsense (1)

how to increase your earnings from google adsense In this article I give advice about ways in which you can increase the amount you earn from Google adsense. I run adsense on a number of my sites and it is proving to be a very good form of second income. Many other people are now putting the code onto their own sites which can help them to pay for hosting and domain renewal costs. Should you run adsense on your website? In my opinion there are many positive reasons to have these google ads on your website but there are also reasons why you may not want them on there. On the positive side you are of course likely to earn money when people click on one of the ads, this can be a useful income, however unless you have either a high traffic site or a large number of sites, you are unlikely to get rich from it. On the negative side when people click on one of the ads it is actually taking away that visitor from your site. If you are offering a service it therefore probably is not worth signing up for adsense for that site. If the site is purely for information purposes I would say that it is worth adding the code. How to increase your adsense earnings There are many ways in which you can blend the adverts into your website by choosing a particular colour for the ads as an example. Placement of the ads is also quite important and there is information on the Google site which advises where to put the adverts for maximum impact. I believe the best way to increase your earnings however is to get more traffic to the website. There are many ways of doing this: Google adwords You can create an advertising campaign using google adwords. You could opt to pay near enough the minimum fee per click and this will keep the costs down. People will then visit your site and hopefully click on one of the other ads, therefore making you money. This can work very well for certain subjects, but not so well for others. It is a matter of trial and error, I always run the adwords for around a month and then evaluate if it is worth carrying on after that point. It is obviously important that we do not spend more on our own advertising, than we are likely to earn. Purchase a text link ad This is becoming more and more popular as one way backward links are becoming ever more powerful in the eyes of the search engines. These type of links are however quite hard to come by. By purchasing a text link advert you are likely to have an increase in web traffic from two avenues. Firstly from the advert itself and also from the page rank value of the backward link. At you are able to purchase nine of these permanent backward links for only £50, which includes a link on a page rank five page. Writing articles Writing articles can also help you to obtain more visitors to your site. The people who read the article are potential visitors, you also obtain a one way backward link from the article directory which you submit the article to, and other webmasters may also include the article on their own site, thus creating another one way backward link. These backward links help to increase your overall page rank. The higher the page rank, the more traffic you should receive. Link exchange Exchanging links with other websites which are hopefully in the same business sector as your own, also has value. These links are not as powerful as the one way links mentioned above but are still worth seeking. You can e-mail or phone other webmasters to ask if they would be happy to swap links with your site. Build a site network If you have the time and available funds you could also consider building a network of sites, all on the same theme. Each of the sites in the network would have a link pointing to the main site. They could also have adsense on the sites thus increasing your earnings in a two-fold manner. I hope this article helps you in your quest to increase your adsense earnings. Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including

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What is AdSense? earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords. Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by placing these same text ads on your site. In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn. This program is called AdSense. Every website owner should be involved in this. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up. Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website. So if you are one of those people that don't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some. Even if you earned as little as $10 in a month, it would more than likely cover some or all of the costs for your web site. Perhaps you are simply looking for ways to add additional revenue to your website, then it's perfect for that situation too. This program is getting so popular, people are creating websites just to display the ads and profit from Google's AdSense alone. I don't usually like to use the term "easy money" because there really is no such thing. You still have to create your own website and learn how to bring in traffic in order to make good money with this program. I certainly don't want to make it sound like you get something for doing absolutely nothing. There's no such thing. However, I've got to say that AdSense is probably the closest you'll ever come to fast money on the Internet -- especially if you already have a website that gets a good amount of traffic. What's even better...the program is completely free. You can also use it on multiple websites and there is no limit to the amount you can earn. How AdSense Works Don't like to read a lot of text? Watch my 4-minute video on how AdSense works And now for the text version of how AdSense works... If you go to and do a search for almost any keyword phrase, you'll notice some "Sponsored Links" that appear on the right side of the screen that are relevant to the keywords you just searched for. Website owners pay Google to display these ads and are charged a predetermined amount every time their ad gets clicked by a web surfer. With the AdSense program, you will display these same text ads on your site just like Google and get paid for it as well. All you do is copy and paste some provided HTML code into your pages and Voila! the ads will show up. Every time an ad is clicked on your site, you will receive a certain percentage of what Google receives from the advertiser. Once your account reaches $100, you'll receive a check in the mail. "Is Google Crazy?" I know what you're probably thinking... "What's the catch here? Why would Google just give away money advertisers are paying them?" The answer... Because Google is very smart. Now that I understand how AdSense works, I can see that it's a win-win situation for everyone involved, and the bottom line benefits Google. Let me explain... Since the advertiser's ads are now being displayed on more web sites all over the internet (instead of just Google's site), they are getting much more exposure. More exposure means more clicks and even more traffic for their site over a shorter period of time. This is good news for Google because the more traffic the advertisers receive, the faster their advertising funds are used up. Remember, they get charged every time their site gets a visit; and of course, it is Google's hope that they'll continue to keep funneling more money into their account for more ad exposure. What an ingenious way for Google to increase the amount of money they earn from advertisers while building loyalty with website owners (like us) who are now getting paid to help them advertise. Of course, I'd expect nothing less from the most popular search engine on the web. :) My Personal AdSense Story I have been receiving monthly checks from Google since 2003, and I've read numerous success stories of websites earning 5 digit incomes per month with AdSense. Now, I will admit, a 5-digit commission in a single month is probably not the norm for most participants. I promote AdSense on three of my websites and my checks have been as high as $4,500. The more information you have, the greater chance you have of attracting free search engine traffic. That's why it's so very important you choose a topic you have an interest in so you can keep building and building. My checks weren't always that large. I think my first month's earnings in 2003 totaled less than $20. However, I kept getting more and more search engine traffic by adding more content and the checks slowly began to increase. I had no idea it would grow to anything like this. COPYCATS BEWARE! I read an article about a lazy person that copied someone else's content word for word and pasted on their own site. They tried to join AdSense and they were rejected for unauthentic content. I don't know how Google found out their site was a duplicate of someone else's but they did. Not to mention, the search engines are now ignoring pages with duplicate content. So all the thieves out there that are too lazy to come up with their own content are now finding that they cannot get their site ranked in Google, Yahoo and MSN simply because they've copied someone else's work. It's not worth the risk. Not to mention, it's illegal to republish someone else's work without permission. That's why you should choose a topic you know a lot about or at least have a great interest in. There's no reason to copy off someone else's site. Be original. Laziness always comes to bite you in the long-run. "How Much Can I Earn With AdSense?" Google does not disclose exactly how much you'll earn per ad that is clicked. The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount. I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click. So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like debt free, employment, make money, mp3, sex, etc. will earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on the web. Advertisers generally pay more for popular terms because they are searched for more. Even though Google will not reveal how much you are earning for each ad that is clicked from your site, you can still login to your account at any time and see the total amount of revenue you've generated that day, week, month, year, etc. For example, if you see that you've made $12.60 today from 9 clicks then you can calculate that your average click-thru commission was $1.40 per click. That's as detailed as their stats will get. Also remember, that's only an average. You won't know how much each specific ad brought in. The amount you'll earn also depends largely on the amount of targeted traffic you receive to your own site, how well the ads match your audience's interests, the placement of the ads on your pages, and of course the amount you receive per click. Ideally, you should create a site on a topic you know a lot about. That way you'll have a much easier time creating a generous amount of content on that subject. How Google Matches the Ads to Your Site's Content One of the main reasons this program is so successful is because the ads that are displayed closely match the content of your website. This increases the chances that someone will click on the ads. Here's how Google accomplishes the content match... "...We go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the context and content of web pages. Based on an algorithm that includes such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, we know what a page is about, and can precisely match Google ads to each page." So let's say you have an information website about yoga. Once you join AdSense and paste their ad code into your site, Google's technology will determine the topic of the pages by scanning for keyword repeats, page title, etc. If successful, you will see ads that relate to yoga displayed on your web pages. Of course, the more related the ads are to your site's content, the better the click-thru. Keep in mind, the ads may not be an exact match because it depends on the ads inside Google's database. So instead of seeing yoga ads, you may see more generic ads like exercise, healthy eating, etc. This is not a bad thing because these are topics your visitors will likely be interested in as well. Why I Believe AdSense Works So Well For years, website owners have tried to make money from their sites by putting up banner ads in hopes of visitors clicking them. The problem with banner ads is that the Internet audience is so immune to them, people do not click on them anymore. When's the last time you clicked a banner ad? ...Exactly! Second, in order for the web site owner to earn money from that banner ad, usually the web surfer that clicks has to purchase something. With AdSense, your visitors just have to click the ads. They don't have to purchase a single thing. Third, most people that use banner ads do not do a good job of matching the ads to the website's content so the click thru percentages are dismal. With Google's AdSense, not only are you displaying text ads, (which tend to receive a much higher click-thru rate than banner ads), but you are displaying contextual ads that match your website's content....thanks to Google's advanced technology. Lots of times people think the ads are part of your site's content so they click because the information is relevant to your site. Whereas with banner ads, they often have little relevance and people tend to ignore them no matter how much they flash and fly across the page. Creating Your Website for AdSense Before you even begin your site, make sure you've come up with a topic that you feel you know plenty about. That way it will be easiest to write a lot of content. The more content you have, the better chance you have getting accepted into the program. Also, the more content, the greater the earning potential. AdSense is nothing but a numbers game. If you want to make a lot of money, prepare to write a lot of content. Now let's talk about building your website. There are two ways you can approach this: