Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Maximize Your Google AdSense Earnings

Many webmasters are making good money of Google AdSense. But chance are high that they are not using the best possible setup to maximize their earnings. I am not talking about on page optimization of the ad placements. I am assuming that you have identified the best possible spots for your ads already. However - here is an easy way to improve your AdSense earnings by 10%-20% - maybe even more. Key is to know that the very first Google AdSense block on your page carries the more expensive ads. These are the ads that earn you the most money when a visitor clicks them. To make most out of your AdSense ads, these are the ads you want to have in the best spot on the page in question. You will need to identify which AdSense ad block is the one with the highest paying ads and which ad unit is receiving the best click-thru rate. If the two are the same, you are already set and can work on other pieces. But chances are high that they might not necessarily be the same and that's where you make adjustments without much work. Let's get started. Use different channels in Google AdSense and monitor them for a few days to have solid data to work with. If you are already maxed out with your AdSense channels, swap some around. You will only need those additional channels for maybe a week. With the data on your hand, you might see that that ad unit #1 is the one receiving the best CTR (Click Thru Rate) and ad unit #2 is the one with highest paying ads. Make sure to compare the CTR to make an informed decision. Let's assume that your current setup matches our example. Now you will want to make changes to your page or template to make sure that ad unit #1 is loaded first when the page is visited. Again - it is very important to know that Google distributes ads on a first come, first serve basis. So the AdSense block that the Google AdSense bot (Mediapartner) sees first in your page, is the one that will show the more expensive AdSense ads. If you know html and CSS you probably know that this is not necessarily the ad up on top of the page in your browser (depending on your page layout). Review your code if needed and make the adjustments. CSS can be a good way to shuffle things around so that the most popular ad unit also carries the most expensive ads. In one case where I finally got of my lazy butt and did the research described above I was able to improve AdSense earnings by ~15%. The work involved was less than 30 minutes. Easy money